sunrise movement pdx endorses nat

I'm excited and truly honored to receive the endorsement of Sunrise Movement PDX in my run for Portland City Council District 2. Sunrise Movement has been leading the charge in the fight for climate justice, rallying young people across the country to demand urgent action on the climate crisis and a Green New Deal. Their support means a lot to me because it reflects our shared commitment to tackling the climate emergency head-on, breaking down systems of oppression, and building a just, sustainable future for everyone. This endorsement isn't just a nod of approval—it's a partnership in the fight to make Portland a leader in environmental justice.

As we move forward together, I'm more fired up than ever to work with Sunrise Movement PDX to push for bold policies that protect our planet, uplift marginalized communities, and create good, green jobs for all. We’re going to make sure Portland leads the way on the Green New Deal, becomes less reliant on fossil fuels, and prioritizes the health and well-being of its residents over corporate profits. I'm grateful for Sunrise Movement PDX's support, and I'm excited to join forces with them to build a Portland that’s a true model of climate justice and progressive values.


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Portland neighbors welcome Stands with Nat