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(Rev) Nat West wants voters in North and Northeast Portland’s District 2 to know about his deep ties to Portland, specifically its local business community, which he was a part of during his twelve years as owner and founder of the widely acclaimed Reverend Nat’s Hard Cider. As a local small business owner, he saw firsthand many of the successes and failures of city governement and, as an unofficial ambassador of Portland, he traveled both domestically and internationally selling cider and saw that love many folks had for Portland grew from the City’s many talented artisans, small businesses, and tireless community work that makes the city so vibrant.

Feeling more and more drawn to serve the City he loved, Nat worked as a union Bus Driver at TriMet after winding down the Cidery in late 2023. As a bus driver, he again found himself face-to-face with many of the shortcomings of the current government - poorly maintained, unsafe streets, the unhoused and financially struggling, and those experiencing mental health crises. Nat found himself disappointed with a City Hall that seemed quicker to point fingers and pass blame rather than taking accountability and recognizing the buck stops with them, as it had with Nat when he was running his own business.

Nat’s focus will be on building a city that thrives from the bottom up - ensuring that resources are made available to those most in need of them, ensuring the local businesses- the bedrock of our local economy- are being supported by an efficient bureaucracy, not a tangled web of red tape and delayed permits, and building an effective, collaborative coalition in City Hall that can come together to make Portland live up to its slogan as “The City That Works.”