Here are my TOP priorities.


From 2017 to 2020, my cidery expansion was locked in permit hell. It took hundreds of emails, meetings, and a complaint to the City Ombudsman to get approval. I’m not alone in facing the city that doesn’t work.

When elected, I’ll ensure the new Permitting Bureau speeds up approvals while respecting building codes. I’ll push for policies that promote density in the development of affordable Social Housing and market-rate housing and prioritize development by historically marginalized groups, especially Black Portlanders. Over the next decade, I’ll support the transformation of Northeast Portland via projects like Albina Vision Trust and the redevelopment of Lloyd Center.

That place with the best ice cream? It’s a small business. That fusion food cart you just need after a bad day at work? Also a small business. That shop where you always pick out gift cards for loved ones? That’s a small business too. Small businesses are the heart of Portland. For too long, city policies have been indifferent to them. I’ll be a champion for locally-owned businesses, ensuring the new Office of Small Business truly supports the community. As a lifelong small business owner, starting with a mail-order outdoor gear business in high school through to Reverend Nat’s Hard Cider, I understand their needs.

I’ll also focus on basics like fixing potholes, deferred maintenance and repainting curbs. As a small business owner, I balance vision with practical work to keep Portland thriving.


Addressing climate change is the job of our generation. Portland’s Climate Emergency Workplan targets net carbon zero by 2050, and the Portland Clean Energy Fund was created to build climate resilience. Yet City leaders ignored your voice with a backroom deal allowing Zenith Energy to expand oil shipments through Northwest Portland. I will oppose these kinds of climate-damaging actions.

My work to address climate change will focus on transportation, the largest greenhouse gas emitter. As a former TriMet bus driver, I’ll push to improve public transit with more frequent service, dedicated bus lanes, and a better rider experience.

As a lifelong bicycle commuter (and mountain biker), I know the need for protected bike lanes and safer streets. I’m committed to Vision Zero and will work to reduce solo car trips by promoting active transportation and reflecting the true cost of auto travel.

Decades ago, city leaders limited freeways, knowing more lanes does not reduce congestion. We must avoid repeating past mistakes, like the destruction of Lower Albina to create I-5. When transportation is done right, it solves multiple problems at once. We can work toward climate justice. We can make our roads safer. And we can make our neighborhoods more livable.

we can walk and chew gum at the same time. HERE ARE MY POSITIONS ON SOME OTHER CRITICAL ISSUES.


  • Portland's government overhaul requires a Council that is collaborative, imaginative, and pragmatic.

  • My 12 years of experience building a company have taught me the importance of quick, decisive action.

  • I will focus on creating an effective working environment within the new Council, with City Administrators and Multnomah County.

  • It's time to prioritize action over more studies and deliver real results after years of dysfunction.


  • The polarization in American politics has caused division and harm; Portland must uphold liberal policies and progressive ideals.

  • On Council, I will stand against hatred, discrimination, and prejudice, advocating as an ally for marginalized communities, including my queer family and Black friends who own small businesses.

  • Our differences make us stronger, and by uplifting disadvantaged groups, we benefit everyone; proclamations of support must lead to policies of protection.


  • Homelessness, drug addiction, and lack of mental health resources are Portland's most pressing issues, resulting from decades of neglect.

  • I support a housing-first policy that includes emergency shelters, pod housing, supportive group housing, and publicly-funded affordable housing.

  • Sweeps are wasteful and counterproductive without adequate housing options; we need humane, effective solutions for transitioning people off the streets.

  • The Joint Office of Homeless Services requires consistent oversight from the new City Council to address inefficiencies, particularly in spending Supportive Housing Services tax funds effectively.

public safety