portland for all stands with rev. nat

I'm incredibly excited to announce that I’ve received the endorsement of Portland for All in my campaign for Portland City Council District 2. Portland for All has been a relentless advocate for housing justice, fighting to make sure that everyone in our city has access to affordable, safe, and stable housing. Their support means a great deal to me because it underscores our shared commitment to creating a Portland that works for everyone, not just the wealthiest among us. This endorsement isn’t just a show of support—it’s a partnership in the ongoing battle to ensure that our city remains accessible, inclusive, and equitable for all its residents.

As we move forward together, I’m more committed than ever to work alongside Portland for All to push for bold housing policies that prioritize all Portlanders. We’re going to fight to protect renters, increase affordable housing options, and make sure our city’s growth benefits all of us, not just those at the top. I’m grateful for Portland for All’s support, and I’m eager to join forces with them to build a city that truly lives up to its promise of being a place where everyone can thrive.


Portland neighbors welcome Stands with Nat


Oregon Working Families Party Endorses Nat